All orders are shipped from the USA. If your order contains a Pre-Order item, then it will ship in the month noted on the listing.
Domestic First-Class and Standard Post typically take 3-7 business days for delivery. When using expedited shipping methods such as FedEx 2nd Day or FedEx Same Day, please remember that our warehouse requires 1-2 business days for order processing. Thus, expect a FedEx Same Day shipment to arrive two days after the order was placed.
Shipping rates are calculated before checkout is complete, so feel free to try multiple methods for the best fit. International and military orders may experience delays in shipping due to inbound and outbound processing. First-Class International and Standard International Shipping orders typically take 3-6 weeks for delivery.
Most countries charge import duties and customs fees. These can vary widely. The recipient of your order will be responsible for any and all customs fees and duties. The whole customs clearance process can also cause delays beyond the shipping timelines listed below and while we're sorry when these delays happen, they are outside of our control. I know, they frustrate us too!
Please note that there is limited tracking is available for First-Class International or Standard International Shipping Orders.
Unfortunately, we aren’t currently able to ship orders to: Afghanistan, Algeria, Belarus, Bhutan, Brunei, Central African Republic, Chad, Cuba, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Liberia, Libya, Martinique, Mongolia, Morocco, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Syria, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine
Contact customer service if you need help or have any additional questions.